The whole notion of "conversion to Christianity" seems suspicous to me. Why would you advertize yourself as a "Christian", if you have a real interest in the enigma of the Christ event. Maybe I'm missing out on something here, but I never understood this attraction to carry your faith as if it was a badge on your shirt.

And to be clear, I'm not questioning the relevance of conversion experiences, only the need to label them before they are fully explored and digested.

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Why does everything have to turn out to be Christian?

Please check out these three references which provide an Illuminated Understanding of the life & teaching of Saint Jesus of Galilee.

http://beezone.com/current/ewb_pp436-459.html Jesus & the Teaching of Truth About man (male & female)

http://beezone.com/current/christ_equals_emsquared.html Christ = MC2

http://www.dabase.org/up-6.htm The Spiritual Gospel of Saint Jesus of Galilee Retold - the last 8 paragraphs are more-than-wonderful

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