
How do we open the door to divine love?

Perhaps the only thing I am certain of in this domain is that each individual must find their unique path to that secret passageway. There are as many ways to God as there are human beings. The door to Spirit is not out there somewhere we might travel to. It is not a new state of consciousness we need to achieve. God is hidden not from us but in us, living right behind our I.

We may or may not like to see our everyday selves in the mirror, but we are definitely not as keen on looking ourselves in the I. The secret spiritual passageway in the soul is really about our relationship with our higher self. Most of us most of the time have at least some relationship with this spiritual self. It’s what having a conscience means. This kind of relation is limited to the feelings of guilt we experience after our everyday self does or thinks something less than wholesome.

This basic sense of human conscience is the only proof of Spirit we should really need, even if we grant it no presence in the physical world (though I think we should). That human beings are guided by some inkling of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful is radiant evidence of the Higher Light shining on this world. To deny this is to deny that there is a doorway to God within the soul, which is in fact to deny that there is even a soul. For what else is the soul but a way for God to play at being born and dying in human form? Still, I know, many today deny the door and scoff at “soul.” The door remains not just closed but almost entirely neglected. Who needs wisdom when you’ve got algorithms? The opiate of materialism has made sleepwalkers of many. And yet the light still shines.

The sense of basic conscience that all healthy human hearts share is just the sliver of light at the base of the door indicating the glory behind it. What would it mean to open that door? And are we prepared for what we’d find on the other side?

In some sense, this door has to stay shut for us to feel our individual selfhood. Were it to be flung open, our distinct ego consciousness would be blown out like a tiny candle in a gust of wind. Thus, whenever we turn around to look for it, the door appears closed; and yet, when we are not looking at it, who else but that higher self could be seeing through us? So, opening the door also requires letting go of the need to force the door open by trusting that there never was any other light on inside us but The Light.

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